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Print Schedule
  • Rise and Grind - Any Level

    Rhonda Howell

    Mon, Wed, Fri in Group Exercise Studio
    5:30 am - 6:30 am (1 hour)
    A fast paced blend of strength and cardio to get your day stared off with a bang.
  • Dance and Sculpt - Any Level

    Rhonda Howell

    Mon, Wed in Group Exercise Studio
    8:00 am - 8:50 am (50 minutes)
    Brings music and fitness together! Alternating fast and slow rhythms to incorporate interval training and cardiovascula.
  • Spin - Any Level

    Holly Morelock

    Wed in Group Exercise Studio 2
    8:00 am - 9:00 am (1 hour)
    Incorporates cardio, endurance and flexibility by combining high-intensity, low-impact cycling. Warm your muscles on the bike then and increase your flexibility off the bike!
  • Aqua Stretch - Any Level

    Sue Hoover

    Mon, Wed, Fri in Pool
    8:00 am - 8:30 am (30 minutes)
    Stretching performed in shallow water focusing on flexibility, strength and balance.
  • Water Fit - Any Level

    Sue Hoover

    Mon, Wed in Pool
    8:30 am - 9:30 am (1 hour)
    Mid to high-intensity water aerobic exercises performed through a combination of deep and shallow water.
  • Country Fit - Any Level

    Rhonda Howell

    Mon, Wed in Group Exercise Studio
    9:00 am - 10:00 am (1 hour)
    Designed for any fitness level. Classes incorporate a variety of equipment to increase muscle strength, joint stability, coordination, and balance.
  • Yoga - Any Level

    Sue Richard

    Wed in Group Exercise Studio
    10:15 am - 11:00 am (45 minutes)
    Learn and master slow, controlled movements that serve to increase blood flow, balance, flexibility, strength and mind-body connection. Classes focus on building a firm foundation to instill confidence in your practice.
  • Home-School PE (K-8) - Any Level

    Shiloh Gass

    Wed in Youth Gym
    1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (1 hour)
    Appropriate for Kindergarten to 8th grade. Instructors teach sports and fitness, lead games and further develop agility and motor skills.
  • Water Fit - Any Level

    Dinnia Cairy

    Mon, Wed, Fri in Pool
    1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (1 hour)
    Mid to high-intensity water aerobic exercises performed through a combination of deep and shallow water.
  • Yoga - Any Level

    Sheila Rai

    Wed in Adult Gym
    5:15 pm - 5:55 pm (40 minutes)
    Learn and master slow, controlled movements that serve to increase blood flow, balance, flexibility, strength and mind-body connection. Classes focus on building a firm foundation to instill confidence in your practice.
  • RIP - Any Level

    Denise Johnston

    Mon, Wed in Group Exercise Studio
    6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (1 hour)
    Barbell workout that incorporates functional strength training. Every movement plane is attacked using weights and bodyweight. Features safe and motivating exercises using traditional strength training to allow participants to work at their own level